Cinderella Shows her Nasty Side

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


Activities in this lesson include explicitly going through the six stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy of thinking skills (higher and lower order) and a task based on Cinderella’s diary entry.

There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on thinking skills with a five-minute activity based on this extract. 



These evidence-based learning (EBL) lessons are based on classroom practice that has been proven, by research, to maximise thinking, learning and attainment. From an extensive review of educational research, we identified the eight key classroom thinking and learning skills that were common across these research papers. We named these eight key skills “EBL skills”.

EBL skills have been proven by research to maximise learning because they combine the most productive thinking skills with the most effective learning behaviours. Each of our evidence-based learning lessons uses the English curriculum as a framework through which the eight EBL skills are delivered.

Teachers also have the opportunity to add to their own skill set or refresh their existing skills with our five-minute CPD activity, based on one of the EBL skills used in this lesson.

The skills in bold below are the EBL skills developed in this Cinderella lesson. Click on each skill to learn more about that skill.

Each EBL resource also has a five-minute CPD activity for teachers based on one of the EBL skills used in that lesson. This CPD activity offers teachers the opportunity to add to their own skill set or to refresh their existing skills.

1 review for Cinderella Shows her Nasty Side

  1. 5 out of 5

    Philipem (verified owner)

    We asked a.i. to review this lesson. This is what it said:

    Teaching Literacy and Critical Thinking in Tandem
    I recently discovered a fantastic Cinderella lesson that manages to develop students’ English and critical thinking abilities at the same time. This KS2 resource called “Cinderella Shows Her Nasty Side” is a must-have for any teacher looking to tick multiple boxes.

    Building English Skills
    The lesson provides a recap of the classic Cinderella tale, allowing students to strengthen their knowledge of traditional stories. A creative diary entry from Cinderella herself then encourages critical discussion about the difference between fact and fiction. Students also get the chance to compose an imaginary tweet from one of the stepsisters, developing concise writing skills within the 280 character limit.

    Enhancing Thinking Skills
    In addition, the lesson systematically works through all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy – from basic remembering to higher order analysis and evaluation. The six Bloom’s stages are clearly explained and exemplified through different question types about Cinderella. This structure helps cement students’ understanding of lower and higher order thinking.

    5 Minute CPD Activity
    The resource includes a research-based CPD excerpt and quiz on the benefits of Bloom’s Taxonomy. This provides a model for teachers on how to reflect on the advantages of using Bloom’s in their own practice.

    Overall, this comprehensive lesson manages to teach core literacy skills while seamlessly promoting critical thinking and metacognition. I would give it 5 stars for skilfully combining English and evidence-based learning outcomes. It’s a superb example of an integrated teaching resource that develops both traditional and 21st century competencies.

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Cinderella Shows Her Nasty Side - KS2 English Evidence Based Learning lesson
Cinderella Shows her Nasty Side