• Y5 A Galaxy of Grammar

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    KS2 National Curriculum:

    Applying grammar: nouns, adjectives, pronouns, adjectival phrases, intensifiers.

    Activities in this lesson include learning about and practising using nouns, synonyms, pronouns, adjectives, adjectival phrases and intensifiers in science fiction stories.

    The five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson offers teachers an opportunity to add to their skill set. The CPD activity in this lesson develops peer teaching by asking the question “how can I improve peer teaching?”

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  • Y5 Describe a Robot

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    KS2 National Curriculum:

    Character description using grammar features; use of prepositional and adjectival phrases.

    Activities in this lesson include learning how to describe characters (especially robots) in science fiction stories using the four conventional ways; lots of grammar stuff such as prepositional and adjectival phrases and writing a paragraph to describe a robot.

    The five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson offers teachers an opportunity to add to their skill set. The CPD activity in this lesson develops peer teaching by asking the question “what are the benefits of peer teaching?”

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  • Y5 Alice in Wonderland

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    KS2 National Curriculum:

    ✓ Develop positive attitudes to reading
    ✓ Inference from characters
    ✓ Build vocabulary and comprehension

    Activities in this lesson include recapping the key features of fantasy stories, such as real and imaginary settings, real and imaginary characters, portals and the passing of time. The activities in this lesson also include answering higher and lower order questions.

    There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer teaching with a five-minute activity based on this extract.   

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  • Y5 Nailing a Setting

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    KS2 National Curriculum:

    ✓ Identifying setting components: place, time of day, time period, and weather
    ✓ Analysing visual cues and using setting vocabulary
    ✓ Teaching peers to consolidate understanding
    ✓ Generating original examples through partner work

    This lesson looks at the four possible features of a story setting: the place, the time period, the time of day and the weather.  It also looks at real and imaginary settings. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions.

    There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer teaching with a five-minute activity based on this extract.   

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  • Y5 Super Settings

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    KS2 National Curriculum:

    ✓ Comparing fantasy, sci-fi, pirate, and traditional settings
    ✓ Spotting patterns in descriptive language and story type
    ✓ Explaining how settings influence tone and events
    ✓ Writing comparative statements and reflections

    This lesson explores why different types of stories have different settings and it compares real and imaginary settings. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions.

    There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer teaching with a five-minute activity based on this extract.   

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  • Y6 Stepping through Portals

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    KS2 National Curriculum:

    ✓ Make comparisons across books
    ✓ Ask and answer higher-level questions
    ✓ Develop collaborative learning

    This lesson compares the role of portals in keeping the fantasy and real worlds separate in traditional fantasy stories such as Alice in Wonderland with the combining of these worlds in later fantasy stories such as Harry Potter. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions.

    There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer teaching with a five-minute activity based on this extract.

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  • Y6 New Paragraphs and New Worlds

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    KS2 National Curriculum:

    Using paragraphs to organise writing; understanding narrative structure.

    Activities in this lesson include reminders about the three main features of stories and the features of science fiction stories in particular. Activities also include looking at the five reasons for starting a new paragraph and adding new paragraphs to extracts from science fiction stories.

    There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer teaching with a five-minute activity based on this extract.

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  • The Dog Quickly Typed a Long Letter - Familiar Settings - KS2 English Evidence Based Learning lesson

    The Dog Quickly Typed a Long Letter

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    This lesson looks at the role of adverbs in describing how action verbs are carried out. It also considers the positioning of adverbs before or after the verb. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions.

    There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer teaching with a five-minute activity based on this extract.

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