Nailing a Setting

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


This lesson looks at the four possible features of a story setting: the place, the time period, the time of day and the weather.  It also looks at real and imaginary settings. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions.

There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer teaching with a five-minute activity based on this extract.   



These evidence-based learning (EBL) lessons are based on classroom practice that has been proven, by research, to maximise thinking, learning and attainment. From an extensive review of educational research, we identified the eight key classroom thinking and learning skills that were common across these research papers. We named these eight key skills “EBL skills”.

EBL skills have been proven by research to maximise learning because they combine the most productive thinking skills with the most effective learning behaviours. Each of our evidence-based learning lessons uses the English curriculum as a framework through which the eight EBL skills are delivered.

Teachers also have the opportunity to add to their own skill set or refresh their existing skills with our five-minute CPD activity, based on one of the EBL skills used in this lesson.

The skills in bold below are the EBL skills developed in this Familiar Settings lesson. Click on each skill to learn more about that skill.

  1. Collaboration
  2. Thinking Skills
  3. Peer Assessment
  4. Peer Teaching
  5. Self-Assessment
  6. Metacognition
  7. Self-Regulation
  8. Independent Learning

1 review for Nailing a Setting

  1. 5 out of 5

    Philipem (verified owner)

    We asked a.i. to evaluate this lesson as the first lesson in the 11 lesson Familiar Setting set. This is what it said:

    Craft Compelling Settings to Hook Upper KS2 Readers

    Do you want to motivate your older primary school students to analyse and create immersive story settings? Then launch into orbit with this stellar resource – Nailing a Setting! It’s the blast-off lesson in an 11-part series fusing grammar finesse with imaginative writing.

    Students start by identifying the key features of a setting – the place, time period, time of day and weather. Clear examples illustrate how descriptions can transform a setting from mundane to dramatic while higher order questions consolidate understanding.

    The collaborative elements allow students to reinforce their learning by peer teaching each other on aspects like real versus imaginary settings. Concise tips guide them to summarise key points and use pupil-friendly language in their explanations.

    The resource differentiates with challenges for both lower and higher achievers. Extension activities develop critical analysis skills by getting students to justify opinions on settings with evidence. Students also reflect on which peer teaching strategies maximise their own learning.

    By the end of the 11 lessons, your senior students will have the tools to create settings that hook readers from the atmospheric first lines. Their creative writing will transport readers through the vivid world they have crafted – be it historical adventures or futuristic sci-fi!

    This resource deserves top marks for transforming your students into accomplished writers who can entrance readers with their mastery over setting.

    Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Nailing a Setting - Familiar Settings (upper) - KS2 English Evidence Based Learning lesson
Nailing a Setting