KS2 English Lessons
with 8 Evidence Based Learning Skills…
Lessons for today, skills for life.
12 Science Fiction Lessons
10 Fantasy Story Lessons
11 Familiar Settings Lessons
7 Myths Lessons
4 Legends Lessons
8 Fables Lessons
8 Pirates Lessons
15 Pirates Lessons
4 Pirates Lessons
5 How to Write Pirate Stories
3 Treasure Island Lessons
3 The Emperor’s New Clothes
6 Cinderella Lessons
7 Jack and the Beanstalk
3 The Tin Solider and All That
9 Red Riding Hood Lessons
7 Goldilocks Lessons
10 Three Little Pigs Lessons
11 Familiar Settings Lessons
25 EBL Romans Lessons
9 Romans Lessons
4 Boudica Lessons
10 Grammar Lessons
10 Grammar Lessons
The 8 Evidence Based Learning skills proven to maximise learning.