The Beach, the Campsite and the Garden
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at everyday settings that might be familiar; such as; the beach, a campsite or a garden. It also covers that nouns are needed to name settings and adjectives are needed to describe them.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Looking at Dialogue in Treasure Island
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at the role of dialogue using an extract from Treasure Island and how to punctuate dialogue. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions as well as writing the opening paragraph of a pirate story after considering three alternative ways of opening the story.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
The Golden Age of Piracy
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson introduces the Golden Age of piracy and looks at the use of galleons in the silk trade with China and the spice trade with India. The types of goods that pirates might steal are considered. This lesson also looks at what pirates ate and drank on-board. The activities in this lesson include answering higher and lower order questions and considering whether real pirates had peg legs and eye patches!
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Introduction to Real Pirates
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson continues with the theme of the Golden Age of piracy and looks at the main aspects of the pirate life, such as how dangerous it was and how pirates came to be ‘pirates’ in the first place. Other aspects include why parrots were ideal pets for pirates, what pirates wore, the pirate code and the pirate flag. The activities in this lesson include answering higher and lower order questions.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Why Gold was Buried
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at why gold became so important and it introduces the concepts of bartering and trade. It also looks at why gold needed to be buried and considers the key role played by treasure maps in the plots of pirate stories. It also looks at the need to include good and bad characters. Activities include completing a story mountain outlining a possible plot for a pirate story and a task based on pirate story openings.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
The Plot of a Pirate Story
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at the main features of pirate stories including good and bad characters, treasure maps and typical plots. It also includes learning how to design a poster. Activities include designing a poster for the classroom to explain the plot of a pirate story and drawing a treasure map.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Instructions to Draw a Treasure Map
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about writing instructions and using bossy/imperative verbs before following instructions to draw a treasure map.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
The Fox and the Crow
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reminders about the main features of fables, reading the full text of The Fox and the Crow, answering higher and lower order questions about the fable, looking at the moral in a fable and breaking down The Fox and the Crow into five sentences.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
The Hare and the Tortoise
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reminders about the main features of fables, learning about the moral in fables in general and the moral in The Hare and the Tortoise, The Fox and the Crow and The Dog and His Reflection in particular.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Learning About Legends
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about the features of legends, looking at St. George and the Dragon and Robin Hood and looking at how legends are structured so that the following questions can be answered; ‘What are legends about? When were legends written? What type of characters are in legends? Are legends true?’
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Theseus and the Minotaur
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reading the full text of Theseus and the Minotaur, learning about the different types of myth, learning about the features of a myth where someone is set a difficult task, answering higher and lower order questions, completing a story mountain and looking at simple, compound and complex sentences and main and subordinate clauses.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Stir this lesson slowly then boil your answers
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about bossy/imperative verbs, adverbs, fronted adverbials and recipes/instructions. Activities also include writing a recipe and writing a spell for Cinderella.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
The Emperor’s New Clothes (I)
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reading the first part of The Emperor’s New Clothes, deciding what will happen next, reading the end of the story, discussing the theme, looking at the four main ways in which characters in stories are described then describing the emperor using these four ways.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Wolf Outsmarted by Quick-Thinking Pig
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about the features of early and later traditional stories, looking at the characters in the Three Little Pigs, grammar work and answering higher and lower order questions. Activities also include looking at an alternative version of the story.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Reporting on Early Traditional Stories
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about the features of early and later traditional stories and writing a report on the features of early traditional stories.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Is Jack a Villain?
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reading the full text of Jack and the Beanstalk, learning how to describe a character, answering higher and lower order questions; looking at tense/person/punctuation and scaffolding (which includes ways to improve writing) writing an alternative ending to Jack and the Beanstalk and a short newspaper article that answers the question ‘Is Jack a Villain’?
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Alice, the White Rabbit and the Portal
£0.00 Download£0.00Activities in this lesson include exploring the key components of fantasy stories: real and imaginary settings, real and imaginary characters, good vs evil, real journeys vs portals, the passing of time and the use of magic. Activities also include answering higher and lower order questions.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
(Downloads - 2)
The Key Features of Fantasy Stories
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson uses the story Alice in Wonderland to introduce the key features of fantasy stories, such as real and imaginary settings, real and imaginary characters, good vs evil and the use of portals. The activities in this lesson include answering higher and lower order questions, learning how to design a poster and then designing a poster showing the key features of fantasy stories.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on collaboration with a five-minute activity based on this extract.