Features of a Mystery Story
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at the use of powerful verbs in mystery stories in detail. It also explores the main features of mystery stories. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions. Activities also include learning how to design a poster and then actually designing a poster about the main features of mystery stories.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
On the Beach
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at settings for simple stories; the time period and the time of day are also considered. The tense in which stories are written is a main part of this lesson. Activities include answering higher and lower order questions as well as identifying whether a word is a verb.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Deva Built a Sandcastle
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson focuses on the use of tenses in descriptive writing. In particular, it explores how to create a past tense action verb.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Writing a Pirate Recount
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at the features of a recount including the 4 W’s and time connectives. Activities in this lesson include writing a report about finding buried treasure – an activity which involves incorporating instructions into the recount. A recount template is provided.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Shiver Me Timbers
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson focus on describing a pirate. This creative writing activity is fully scaffolded including describing good and bad characters, using sea-slang and the correct punctuation. Activities also include drawing a pirate and labelling him/her with adjectives.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Scenes for a Pirate Film
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00This lesson looks at how to describe a character in a consistent way. This is achieved by looking at the scenes for a film based on a new pirate book and answering higher and lower order questions based on these scenes.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Dialogue in Pirate Stories
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include exploring the use of dialogue through the pirate genre, how to write reported and direct speech using the correct punctuation, completing a true/false task that summarises all the features of reported and direct speech and identifying whether an example is reported or direct speech.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Comparing Early and Later Traditional Stories (I)
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include comparing the features of early and later traditional stories, learning how to structure a report, using templates and writing a report outlining the difference between early (simple) and later (complex) traditional stories.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include a quick summary of the key features of fables, reading the full text of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, answering higher and lower order questions based on this fable and writing a modern version of this fable.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Writing a Fabulous Fable
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include a fully-scaffolded creative writing activity that supports pupils in the creation and writing of their own fable. This support includes how to use adjectives, verbs, adverbs, using the correct punctuation and finally how to structure the fable correctly.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
St George and the Dragon
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about the features of legends, reading the full text of St. George and the Dragon, and answering higher and lower order questions about this legend.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
King Midas
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reading the full text of King Midas, learning about the features of a myth where someone learns a lesson, answering higher and lower order questions about King Midas, writing a tweet and writing a modern myth.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Writing a Quest Myth – collaboratively
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reminders about the features of a quest myth, looking at how to structure a quest myth in detail, a step-by-step guide to writing a quest myth including completing a story mountain and writing a myth with a partner.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
The Three Types of Myth
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about the features of the three types of myth and learning how to structure a report before writing a report on the three types of myth – which is ‘scaffolded’ using templates.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Turn Right Red Riding Hood
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include writing directions, an individual and a collaborative writing task, bossy/imperative verbs, fronted adverbials and writing a tweet.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Red Riding Hood a Fake
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include looking at the features of a recount, writing a recount in the form of a diary entry, and reading a newspaper article which is a parody of Red Riding Hood written from the wolf’s perspective.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Cinderella Shows Off Her New Magic Wand
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include looking at the setting, characters and plot of Cinderella, grammar (including adverbs), writing an alternative version of Cinderella and a diary-based task. Activities also include answering higher and lower order questions.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Beans for Cows and not a Bitcoin in sight
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include looking in detail at the five reasons for starting a new paragraph (with examples), looking at examples of the five reasons for starting a new paragraph found in Jack and the Beanstalk and writing a summary of the five reasons.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
That Harp was really getting on my nerves
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include a recap of Jack and the Beanstalk, learning about the features of informal letters, learning how set out an informal letter, re-arranging an informal letter so that it makes sense and writing an informal letter from Jack to Pinocchio.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Jack writes a Recount
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include reading the main points of Jack and the Beanstalk, learning about the features of a recount, using the correct person, using fronted adverbials, writing a recount of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk from Jack’s perspective and writing a tweet.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Alice in Wonderland vs Harry Potter
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include comparing the main features of early (simple) fantasy stories such as Alice in Wonderland and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with later (complex) fantasy stories such as Harry Potter. Activities in this lesson also include looking at the features of a report, and writing a report about the differences between early fantasy stories and the Harry Potter stories.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Home Sweet Dome
£0.00 Download£0.00This lesson looks at settings in a science fiction story in detail, and it includes answering higher and lower order questions on the settings of a science fiction story, reading extracts from science fiction stories and identifying the setting of these extracts.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
(Downloads - 6)
Robots Got Talent
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about common themes for science fiction stories, the structure of a science fiction story, the main features of science fiction stories, how to design a poster and creating a poster showing the key features of science fiction stories.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
First, Launch an Astronaut into Space
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include learning about common plots for science fiction stories, completing a story mountain for a science fiction story, reading short extracts from science fiction stories, completing a task on each one and creating possible plots for science fiction stories.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Science Fiction is Alien to me
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include a reminder of the features of science fiction stories, a step-by-step guide to structuring a science fiction story (which uses guided questions), using adjectival phrases and finally, writing a science fiction story.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Goldilocks Arrested
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include looking at the structure of a traditional story, completing a story mountain, writing a tweet, designing a wanted poster and using synonyms.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.
Goldilocks – The Truth
£3.00 Add to basket£3.00Activities in this lesson include writing a newspaper report (a recount) where the Three Bears are interviewed and tell the truth about Goldilocks.
There is a five-minute evidence-based CPD activity at the end of this lesson which will develop classroom teachers’ skill set. This CPD consists of a research extract on peer assessment with a five-minute activity based on this extract.